Recovering Addicts Are Given Work Experience Chance

Recovering Addicts Are Given Work Experience Chance

Anyone who has suffered from addiction will tell you that holding down a job is not always the easiest of tasks, and although others don’t like to admit it, they will judge an individual because of this. This is just one of many reasons some addicts will choose to keep quiet about their addiction. The stigma that surrounds addiction is that which can frighten addicts into staying silent and not receiving help with their problem. This, in turn, creates an even bigger issue. In light of this, former addict Russell Brand has recently launched a new service that will give recovering addicts the chance to work and gain experience for the future.


Comedian and former addict Brand openly speaks out about his addiction and how he overcame it, in a bid to encourage those suffering from addiction to seek help. He has recently launched a new service that offers employment to recovering addicts and ex-offenders, as he believes that these individuals should have just as much chance as anyone else at finding employment. The scheme will be run by both an addiction charity and an employment agency; it will provide recovering addicts with training, advice and opportunities. When asked about the scheme, Russell said, “When people work together, they can find the connection required to overcome addiction.”

Russell donated the Trew Era Café in London to The Rehabilitation for Addicted Prisoners Trust, and this has helped many more addicts than originally thought possible. Fashion label Nina Baker’s founder Vanessa Blythe was helped by the charity, and said, “I started on a market stall in 2014, and after a year I was struggling. Russell introduced me to RAPT and its recovery enterprises initiative – if it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be here today.”


RAPT manager Mike Trace said, “Our clients are motivated to put a life of crime and addiction behind them, and getting a job and having a legitimate income is a part of that process. Employers may instinctively avoid recruiting from this group, but we are calling on organisations who can offer employment opportunities to our clients to get in touch. Over a third of our own staff are in recovery from addiction or ex-offenders themselves, and we have seen thousands more thrive with other employers or by setting up their own businesses.”

In Denial

Many addicts will receive help from addiction charities like RAPT, and it often gives them a chance to socialise with other people in the same situation as them. However, some addicts prefer to avoid these types of situation as they are in denial about their addiction. Some of these individuals believe that by simply ignoring the problem, it will go away; nevertheless, what they are really doing, is making the problem bigger and more difficult for when they actually try to overcome their addiction. In some cases, the addict feels as if he or she has some normality back in their life when refusing to admit to suffering from an addiction. Moreover, those in these circumstances often feel as if they are in control of the situation when, in fact, they are the complete opposite of being in control.

Advice and Information

You may need some advice on how to deal with an addicted loved one as you may never have experienced this before. If this is the case, then contact us here at Recovery Lighthouse. We specialise in assisting those suffering from addiction, and our priority is to ensure that these individuals fully overcome their addiction and go on to lead a happy, healthy life. Our clinic has been designed so that it guarantees maximum comfort and our trained staff will do all they can to help make the individual feel at home. For more information, get in touch with us today; we are always happy to help.


  1. Russell Brand launches employment service for ex-offenders and addicts (NWEmail)
