Porn addiction

Pornography is a very divisive subject. Some people view it as harmless entertainment, while others see it as incredibly harmful to viewers, performers and society as a whole. One issue that is often underestimated and misunderstood, however, is that of porn addiction. An ever more common form of behavioural addiction, porn addiction affects millions of people around the world including the UK. Porn abuse can cause serious psychological, social and physical health issues but with professional help, it is possible to break the cycle of addiction and transform your life.

Porn addiction

What is porn addiction?

Porn addiction is a form of behavioural or process addiction which occurs when someone compulsively and excessively views pornographic material. It can involve viewing pornography in all its various forms, from magazines to movies but these days, it mostly involves online pornography. Porn addiction is a compulsion that can take over your life, leading you to neglect relationships and responsibilities in favour of viewing pornographic material. Porn abuse can lead to feelings of depression, anxiety, guilt and shame, isolation from friends and family and affect your ability to have healthy relationships.

The internet has made pornography instantly accessible and smartphones have made it easier than ever to access and watch porn wherever you are. In fact, according to PornHub, the world’s most popular porn site, mobile visits to their site have increased by almost 1,500% over the last decade.

What causes porn addiction?

Porn addiction is both a physical and psychological condition. Physically, watching pornographic material causes the release of dopamine which is the neurotransmitter responsible for creating feelings of pleasure. This induces a ‘high’ which reinforces the behaviour and leads to an increase in the frequency of viewing porn. Eventually, you develop a physical tolerance where you need to view more porn to get the same high. This can lead to a dependence on pornography where you experience withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety and irritability when you are not watching porn.

Psychologically, porn addiction is often caused by underlying issues including:

  • Mental health conditions like depression, anxiety and low self-esteem
  • A history of trauma or abuse
  • Lack of social interaction or communication issues
  • Unresolved conflict in relationships
  • Unsatisfied sexual needs

These issues can lead to increased viewing of porn as a coping mechanism as it can help you forget about your problems. However, this relief is only temporary and porn abuse often makes these issues worse in the long run.

Teens are particularly vulnerable to becoming hooked on pornography due to their susceptibility, brains still in development and the long hours they spend watching porn. It has been documented that a whopping 78% of sixteen and seventeen-year-olds view pornographic material with an average viewing time of two hours each month so the potential for addiction is very high.

Do I have a porn addiction?

Watching pornography has become so common that it can be difficult to recognise that you have become addicted to porn. However, it is important to identify the signs of porn abuse as soon as possible so that you can seek professional help before it takes over your life.

The following quiz can help you identify whether or not you have a porn addiction:

  • Do you find yourself watching porn often, sometimes for hours at a time?
  • Have you ever tried to reduce the amount of time spent viewing pornography but been unable to do so?
  • Do you frequently feel guilty or ashamed after viewing pornographic material?
  • Are you neglecting activities such as work, socialising, hobbies or family time to view pornography?
  • Do you find yourself increasingly seeking out more extreme porn in order to get aroused?
  • Are your thoughts often preoccupied with pornography?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it is likely that you have a porn addiction and should seek professional help.

How does porn abuse affect your life?

Porn abuse can affect every aspect of your life including your relationships, work and mental health. It can lead to a wide range of negative effects including:

  • Feelings of guilt, shame and depression
  • Exacerbation or formation of mental health conditions
  • Isolation from friends and family
  • Anxiety about being discovered or judged for watching porn
  • Relationship problems or marriage difficulties
  • Decreased productivity at work
  • Loss of interest in activities that you previously enjoyed
  • Social withdrawal
  • Decreased self-esteem
  • Financial costs due to purchasing porn
  • Potential legal issues such as unknowingly watching illegal porn or being blackmailed by or scammed by online predators

Porn addiction - social withdrawal

The effects of porn abuse on sex and relationships

Obsessively viewing pornography can lead to hyper-sexualisation, which often compels one to pursue sexual intercourse more frequently. Conversely, other people may find it difficult or even impossible to engage in real sex due to conditions like erectile dysfunction and low self-esteem that may have been caused by too much masturbation. In these cases, the impulse for such intimate contact has become desensitised after a long period of watching porn.

Pornography can lead to the development of unhealthy ideas about respectful sex, particularly in adolescents who have not had genuine sexual encounters. Nowadays, 88% of pornographic material contains physical aggression (mostly against women), leading to serious worries that young people may emulate these behaviours and believe this is “normal” sex.

Myths about porn abuse

Porn addiction still requires more research and education, leading to some misunderstandings about the condition. Let’s take a look at some of the common myths about porn abuse and uncover the truth behind them:

Myth: Porn addiction isn’t a serious issue.

Fact: Porn addiction is a real and harmful condition which can and does affect people’s lives. Porn can be just as addictive as drugs or alcohol and the effects can be just as devastating.

Myth: It’s easy for someone to stop watching porn if they want to.

Fact: Porn abuse is not something that can be easily overcome. It often requires professional help to enable you to break free of porn’s grip and move towards a healthier lifestyle.

Myth: You should be ashamed of being addicted to porn.

Fact: There is nothing to be ashamed of if you suffer from porn abuse. It is a mental health issue that requires treatment and help, just like any other addiction. The first step in recovery is to accept that you have a problem and to make the decision to seek help.

How is porn addiction treated?

Porn addiction is a complex physical and psychological condition so it requires a holistic approach to treatment. Effective recovery involves two main stages: rehab and aftercare.

Porn rehab…

Porn addiction rehab involves a combination of proven, evidence-based therapies which address the physical, psychological and emotional issues that drive porn addiction. It helps you to recognise and understand the triggers and underlying causes that lead to compulsive viewing of porn so you can develop new, healthier ways to cope.

Recovery Lighthouse provides inpatient porn addiction treatment which is widely considered to be the most effective type of rehab because it removes you from your existing environment and provides 24/7 access to specialist support. Our porn rehab programmes include:

  • 12-step
  • Individual and group therapy
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT)
  • Family therapy
  • Mindfulness
  • Meditation
  • Art therapy
  • Yoga therapy

Each of these treatment approaches will give you new insights into your porn addiction and give you the tools and knowledge needed to achieve and maintain recovery.

Porn addiction - holistic therapy

Porn addiction aftercare…

The aftercare stage of porn addiction treatment is just as important as the rehab phase. This is because it provides you with continued support which helps to consolidate the progress made during rehab and decreases the likelihood of relapse. Recovery Lighthouse’s aftercare involves free ongoing weekly group therapy sessions where you can share your recovery progress, discuss any challenges and get the help you need to stay on track.

Porn addiction relapse prevention

Relapse is an all too common occurrence in recovery and can be used as a learning experience. However, if you can avoid relapse in the first place, then all the better! Here are some tips which can help you after you leave porn addiction rehab:

  • Engage fully in your aftercare programme
  • Build a support network of friends, family, sponsors, UKAT alumni and other positive people
  • Avoid internet use and other situations which may trigger a porn addiction relapse
  • Set realistic goals and take small steps daily to reach them
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and nutrition
  • Develop new interests and hobbies which can replace compulsive porn viewing
  • Practise mindfulness regularly to help stay in control of your emotions

By following these tips, you will be in a much better position to remain in recovery after porn addiction rehab and prevent any future relapses.

The next step

If you are struggling with porn abuse then the first and most important step is to reach out for help. Get in touch with Recovery Lighthouse today and we will be happy to answer any questions you have and get you started on the road to a bright new future free of porn abuse.

Frequently asked questions

Does porn addiction treatment require detox?
No, as porn addiction does not involve substance abuse, treatment does not require detox. However, withdrawal symptoms may still occur as the brain adjusts to a new way of functioning. It is important that support and treatment are available during this difficult transitional period so that you can be well supported throughout your porn addiction recovery journey.
Will everyone who watches porn become addicted?
No, there are many people who are able to watch pornography without developing a porn addiction. However, everyone who watches porn has the potential to become addicted or suffer the other damage that porn can do so it should always be treated with caution.
Can porn addiction be fatal?
There are various ways that porn addiction could contribute to a person’s death, such as when it leads to depression or extreme isolation. This is why it is important to recognise porn addiction as soon as possible so you can seek help immediately and prevent any long-term consequences.
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