Codeine Addiction Treatment | Codeine Rehab and Codeine Detox
If you or a loved one finds it hard to stop taking codeine, it can seem like an unbearable situation. Codeine is a highly-addictive painkiller and its grip on users can be incredibly strong. Fortunately, help and hope are within reach by undergoing codeine rehab at a professional treatment centre like Recovery Lighthouse. Our codeine rehab programmes can help you to gain control over your cravings, identify the underlying issues that may have made you vulnerable to codeine abuse in the first place and empower you with the tools, support and determination necessary to remain clean and sober for life.
What is codeine rehab?
Codeine rehab involves attending a specialist rehab treatment programme dedicated to helping people overcome a dependency on codeine. There are two main options for codeine rehab, inpatient and outpatient, with inpatient codeine rehab offering a number of advantages including:
- A totally immersive recovery environment
- Zero access to codeine or other substances
- 24/7 support from expert recovery and medical professionals
- Sanctuary from codeine cravings and triggers
- Access to specialist therapies and activities
Inpatient codeine rehab also gives you the chance to build bonds and mutually supportive relationships with other clients as well as the staff. This is crucial because connection with others is one of the most powerful weapons in recovery. Connection helps to break isolation, provides accessible support from understanding people and creates an environment of understanding and acceptance.
The benefits of codeine rehab
The benefits of codeine rehab are many, but the most significant include:
- Taking responsibility for your own recovery in a safe, supportive environment
- Reuniting with yourself and your family/friends/loved ones who have been hurt by your codeine dependency and abuse
- Developing a plan for sustained recovery from codeine addiction
- Strengthening self-esteem and self-confidence
- Learning stress management and codeine relapse prevention strategies
- Understanding how to build a healthier lifestyle free of codeine dependency
- Meeting other people who are also on the recovery journey who can help to keep you motivated
- Moving away from a lifestyle of codeine abuse towards one which is productive, happy and free from substance use
- Taking responsibility for your own recovery in a safe, supportive environment
Do I need codeine rehab?
The first step to recovery is recognising that a problem exists and making the decision to do something about it. This is often easier said than done because you may be in denial about your dependency or scared about what recognising it may mean.
To help you assess whether you need codeine rehab, take our simple quiz:
- Do you find yourself taking higher doses of codeine than you did when you first started?
- Do you need to take codeine more often in order to get the same effect?
- Are there times when you have felt like you can’t stop taking codeine even if you wanted to?
- Have any of your relationships been affected by your codeine use?
- Do you ever find yourself lying or making excuses to cover up your codeine use?
- Have you tried to stop taking codeine but relapsed due to cravings, withdrawal symptoms or difficult moments or feelings?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you likely need codeine rehab to help you address your dependency and regain control of your life.
What does codeine rehab involve?
Effective recovery treatment involves three core stages:
1. Codeine detox
This stage helps to break physical dependence, reduce codeine cravings and remove any remaining physical traces of the substance from your body. Recovery Lighthouse provides inpatient detox where you can receive 24/7 medical and therapeutic support to make this process as comfortable and safe as possible.
2. Holistic therapy and treatment
The second stage of codeine rehab involves working on the psychological issues behind your addiction, developing tools and skills to stay codeine-free in the future and rebuilding relationships with yourself and your loved ones.
At Recovery Lodge inpatient codeine rehab centre, this is done through a range of evidence-based therapies and holistic treatments which will address every aspect of your condition, providing you with the insights you need to make lasting, meaningful progress on the journey to recovery. Our codeine rehab programme includes:
- Individual counselling
- Group therapy
- 12-step
- DBT (Dialectical Behavioural Therapy)
- CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)
- Family therapy
- Holistic therapies, such as yoga, art and mindfulness
All of these are delivered and led by our team of highly experienced medical and therapeutic professionals who understand the complexities of codeine dependency and how to treat it. Many of our counsellors are in recovery themselves so they can offer a unique understanding of the challenges you are facing and how best to overcome them.
3. Aftercare
The third stage of codeine rehab involves helping you transition back into society, learning relapse prevention strategies and finding ways to maintain long-term sobriety. At Recovery Lighthouse, aftercare is provided in the form of weekly group therapy sessions for a year which is invaluable in continuing the sense of connection created during your stay.
In addition to these sessions, you will also be invited to join our network of alumni where you can remain in touch with other former patients, receive support and advice and attend exclusive events. All of these can be hugely beneficial in helping you to avoid relapse and maintain sobriety for the long term.
Tips for a successful codeine rehab from our former clients
There is no one better to ask for advice on how to make the most of your time in codeine rehab than our former clients. We spoke to some of them to uncover their top tips on how to get the best out of an inpatient codeine rehab programme:
Give 100% energy and commitment to your recovery
Undergoing codeine rehab is a major undertaking and to get the most out of it, you need to be fully committed to the programme and give your all in everything you do. This will help you to gain the most benefit from the treatments and therapies on offer to ensure that every moment is used in an effective way.
As our former client, Ellen, explains: “Be prepared to put as much effort into recovery as you have into your addiction and you won’t regret it. Your new life will soon begin.”
Get to know the other people in codeine rehab
Forming meaningful bonds with the other people in your group can be incredibly beneficial to your recovery. They can help support you during difficult moments during your stay in codeine rehab and can be priceless in helping you stay determined and motivated after you leave.
Our former client, Richard, explains how getting to know the other clients during his stay helped him: “You are understood and accepted straight away, which is a revelation because you’ve spent so long thinking nobody understands you. We still have two WhatsApp groups – one for those I met in the first two weeks and one for the second two weeks – and we all celebrate each other’s milestones.”
Be honest and open during your time in codeine rehab
Like other types of drug addiction, a dependency on codeine can make you lie to yourself and others. But in order to make the most of your time in codeine rehab, you need to be honest with yourself and our counsellors about where you are at, how you’re feeling and what help and support you need.
Our former client, Daniel, highlights the importance of honest communication and openness: “More than anything, recovery is about communication. Addiction has a stigma attached to it so you go into denial and become a proficient liar, learning how to hide things simply because you don’t want to communicate. At rehab, you will realise most people don’t think it’s a bad thing. It’s just a fear and it’s about getting over that and starting your recovery journey.”
How to prevent relapse after leaving codeine rehab
Leaving the safety and sanctuary of codeine rehab can be a daunting experience as you will once again be exposed to your addiction triggers. To ensure that you don’t relapse and can maintain your sobriety for the long term, here are some tips:
- Avoid trigger situations – The places, people and activities that could be tempting to your codeine addiction should be avoided where possible.
- Stay busy – Take up a new hobby, explore new places, learn a new skill or get back into work. This will help to keep your mind and body occupied so that you don’t have time to focus on your cravings.
- Lean on your support network – This can include friends, family, recovery alumni, counsellors and anyone else who can help to support you during difficult times.
- Live a healthy lifestyle – Taking care of your physical and mental health is essential to maintain sobriety because when you have a clear and healthy mind, you’re better prepared to overcome cravings.
How to access codeine rehab
If you are ready to start a new life free from codeine, get in touch with Recovery Lighthouse today. Our codeine rehab programmes will give you all the tools and knowledge you need to get sober and maintain your sobriety for the rest of your life.