Ketamine Addiction Treatment | Ketamine Rehab and Ketamine Detox

While the public perception of ketamine has altered recently due to its medical use in treating depression and various other mental health disorders, it is important to remember that the drug can have severe negative effects on individuals who misuse it. The UK Gov statistics show that there has been a 3.5x increase in adults entering ketamine treatment from 2014 to 2022. With the numbers only rising, it’s essential to understand the available treatment options for ketamine.

Ketamine rehab - one-to-one therapy

What is ketamine rehab?

Ketamine rehab is a drug rehab programme designed to aid individuals who are facing harmful consequences due to their ketamine use. The aim of ketamine rehab is to help individuals establish healthier habits and coping strategies to manage their ketamine use. Various interventions such as counselling, therapy, support groups and other approaches are included in the programme that can assist individuals in regaining control over their lives.

Do I need ketamine rehab?

As with any drug, whether legal or illegal, you should frequently take the time to reassess your situation and current usage. What may seem like a “bit of fun” could rapidly spiral out of control and into ketamine addiction, leaving you wondering how you got to this point. Below are a series of questions that you could ask yourself during the reassessment period:

  • Do you feel a strong urge or compulsion to use ketamine, even when you initially intended not to?
  • Have you increased your ketamine use over time to achieve the same effects?
  • Have you experienced negative consequences as a result of ketamine use, such as relationship problems, financial difficulties, or trouble at work or school?
  • Do you continue using ketamine, even when it causes problems in your life or negatively affects your mental or physical health?
  • Have you tried to reduce or stop using ketamine in the past but been unsuccessful in doing so?
  • Do you experience withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop using ketamine, such as nausea, anxiety, or insomnia?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, it may be time to seek professional help and consider ketamine treatment options.

Outpatient ketamine rehab vs inpatient ketamine rehab

Outpatient ketamine rehab refers to the treatment of ketamine problems on an outpatient basis (usually at the individual’s home), while inpatient ketamine rehab involves staying at a facility for a certain period of time to receive treatment. Although outpatient rehab has its benefits for specific situations, inpatient rehab treatment would be recommended for people with ketamine issues. Below, we have stated some reasons why:

  • 24/7 Care and Support: Inpatient rehab provides around-the-clock care and support from medical professionals who understand the impact that ketamine has on the body.
  • Safe and Structured Environment: Inpatient rehab provides a safe and structured environment that is free from distractions and triggers that can hinder recovery.
  • Access to Therapeutic Programmes: Inpatient rehab offers a wide variety of therapeutic programs, such as individual and group counselling, to help address the root causes of issues and prevent relapse.
  • Detoxification and Medical Management: Inpatient rehab provides medical management and detoxification services to ensure the individual’s safety during the withdrawal process.
  • Comprehensive Aftercare: Inpatient rehab provides a comprehensive aftercare plan that includes ongoing support and resources to help the individual maintain sobriety after leaving the facility.

Ketamine rehab - care and support

The benefits of ketamine rehab

Not only the physical benefits of quitting ketamine are plenty, but also the psychological benefits. By stopping ketamine use for good, you essentially regain parts of your life that may have felt unretrievable. Below, we take a closer look at these benefits;

Psychological benefits…

The psychological benefits of quitting ketamine are as follows:

  • Improved Mood: ketamine can cause/contribute to depression and anxiety, and ketamine rehab can lead to an improvement in mood and a reduction in symptoms.
  • Better Cognitive Function: ketamine can impair memory and cognitive function. By abstaining through a rehab programme, you can expect to see improved cognitive abilities and mental clarity.
  • Reduced Paranoia and Anxiety: ketamine can cause, or exacerbate, paranoia and anxiety and utilising ketamine treatment can lead to a reduction in these symptoms.
  • Improved Relationships: ketamine misuse can strain relationships with loved ones and quitting can help repair and strengthen these relationships.
  • Improved Psychomotor Performance: ketamine can result in psychomotor dysfunction, including slowed reaction time and impaired balance. Its long-term usage could cause lasting changes in the brain, affecting learning and executive function. However, attending ketamine rehab can help improve psychomotor functions and potentially reverse negative effects.

Physical benefits

The physical benefits of quitting ketamine are as follows:

  • Improved Physical Health: ketamine abuse can cause damage to vital organs like the liver, bladder and kidneys. When you stop using through a tapered ketamine programme, it can help to restore these organs’ functions to a significant extent, leading to improved physical health.
  • Reduced Tolerance: Prolonged use of ketamine leads to the development of tolerance, meaning that a higher dose is needed to achieve the desired effect. Using the tools learnt in ketamine rehab, you can expect these tolerance levels to decrease.
  • Better Sleep: Abstaining from ketamine with professional support can help to restore natural sleep patterns and improve the quality of sleep.

Ketamine rehab - woman getting better sleep

What process does Recovery Lighthouse follow for ketamine rehab?

At Recovery Lighthouse, we have formed a specialised programme that aims to give individuals the best possible chance at overcoming their issues with ketamine. We start with an initial health check-up and then undertake the following steps:

Detoxification from ketamine is a crucial initial stage in the treatment process for those who struggle with problematic ketamine use. At our residential rehab centre, medical specialists who are well-trained in the field oversee the entire process.

Therapeutic approaches in ketamine rehab equip you with the essential resources and strategies to overcome your issues and sustain a drug-free lifestyle. These approaches enable you to delve into the root causes of your ketamine abuse, cultivate positive coping mechanisms and establish a robust social support system. The treatment modalities comprise:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
  • Group Therapy
  • Family Therapy
  • Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP)
  • 12-Step Programmes

Ketamine rehab - group therapy session


Recovery Lighthouse offers a range of aftercare services, including access to ongoing support through regular check-ins and meetings, peer support groups, telephone support and relapse prevention workshops. We also provide access to counselling and therapy sessions, as well as family support services, to help individuals maintain recovery and prevent relapse. Recovery Lighthouse also offers continued access to medical and psychiatric professionals, as needed, to help with ongoing physical and mental health concerns.

Does completing ketamine rehab mean I’m fully ‘cured’?

Unfortunately, completing ketamine rehab is not a guarantee that you’re fully cured. Recovery is an ongoing process that requires continual effort and below, we have issued some helpful advice on how to steer clear of relapse:

Build a support system…

After leaving rehab, it can be incredibly beneficial to surround yourself with positive influences. This can include family, friends, sober companions, support groups, or a sponsor. Having a stable support network of people who have your best interests at heart can help encourage you to stay on track and away from ketamine.

Establish a healthy routine…

Creating and maintaining healthy habits can help you avoid ketamine relapse triggers and cope with stressful situations. Establish a daily routine that includes exercise, healthy eating, quality sleep and meditation. This routine will help you feel more in control of life as well as improve your mental and emotional well-being.

Identify and avoid triggers…

It is essential to identify potential triggers and establish effective ways to avoid them. These may include certain people, places, or situations that may lead you to use ketamine again. You will learn how to deal with these triggers in rehab but it’s always worth keeping a close eye on as new triggers can arise.

Attend therapy…

After completing ketamine treatment, attending individual or group therapy is vital in maintaining motivation and receiving support. Although you would have learned a lot in Recovery Lighthouse’s therapy sessions, it’s essential to remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day. It takes time to reach root causes and maintaining therapy attendance can help get to this cause quicker.

Maintain accountability…

Hold yourself accountable and remain aware of your feelings, thoughts and actions. Keep a journal, attend support group meetings regularly and have an accountability partner who can help you stay on track.

Practice self-care…

Make sure that you are taking care of yourself both physically and mentally. Take time to do things that you enjoy, such as hobbies, relaxation techniques or spending time in nature. It is also essential to prioritise your mental health and seek therapy or medical treatment if necessary.

Frequently asked questions

How can I convince a loved one to attend ketamine rehab?
It can be difficult to make a loved one understand that they will benefit from ketamine rehab without sounding judgmental or negative. Often, individuals may not recognise the negative impact of their substance use or deny that it is a problem. Here are some tips that may help:

  • Express your concern
  • Choose the right time and place
  • Listen to their perspective
  • Share information about the potential risks of long-term ketamine use
  • Offer support
  • Frame the idea of rehab positively
  • Be patient – change takes time
What should I do if I suffer a ketamine relapse?
A ketamine relapse is an opportunity to reassess your recovery plan. Contact your therapist or support group for help and consider attending a relapse prevention programme. Identifying triggers and strengthening coping strategies are key to moving forward.
What is the cost of ketamine rehab?
The cost of ketamine rehab varies. Contact Recovery Lighthouse today for a quote.