Preventing porn addiction in today’s digital world

Preventing porn addiction in today’s digital world

In today’s digital age, porn is easily accessible and has become a part of daily life for many. While some use it for entertainment or private exploration, more people are discovering that a casual interest can turn into a troubling addiction.

The rise of internet porn and addiction

The vastness of the online world has given rise to an abundance of explicit material catering to a wide array of tastes and preferences. Websites, streaming services and social media platforms have become virtual supermarkets where adult content is readily available. According to data from the National Library of Medicine, the United States is currently facing a “porndemic” due to the widespread use of pornography. This has prompted many to be concerned with a rise in porn addictions.

Let’s face it – the ease of access to explicit material has transformed the landscape of adult content consumption. In the not-so-distant past, obtaining such material required a certain level of effort and discretion. Nowadays, accessing porn is like stepping into a whole new era compared to the discreteness of flipping through a Playboy magazine. We’ve got dedicated platforms like Pornhub and the numbers of visits per day are nothing short of mind-boggling.


Online porn statistics

Delving into the 2019 statistics from Pornhub, the figures are almost hard to fathom. A staggering 42 billion visitors over a year, with 115 million daily, 5 million per hour and almost 80,000 every minute! To put things into perspective, the number of users accessing Pornhub in just one minute now surpasses the total copies of Playboy’s first-ever edition sold in 1953.

It’s not just about the numbers; it’s a window into how technology has transformed our habits and, inevitably, our culture. The question that lingers is how these shifts in how we view porn are shaping societal attitudes.

A lack of coping methods

While, of course, it wouldn’t be absurd to associate a rise in porn addiction with the ease of accessibility, porn addiction rises are attributed to many different reasons. One of the leading theories is our lack of coping methods for life’s problems:

According to research, it turns out that the younger crowd is facing a tough time with stress, depression and anxiety, especially during the pandemic when studies were made. What’s even more concerning is that the lack of solid coping mechanisms is making them more prone to becoming reliant on porn, creating a higher chance of problematic pornography use (PPU).
And it’s not just the younger generation either; it’s adults, too. Now, we get that many of the world’s population dabble in adult content occasionally, which is considered normal. But some get stuck in a never-ending loop of porn as a coping method which can lead to a host of negative outcomes, including porn addiction.


Shocking porn facts

  • Approximately 57% of teenagers actively seek out pornography on a monthly basis.


  • For 51% of male students and 32% of female students, their initial encounter with porn occurred before reaching their teenage years.


  • On average, men’s first exposure to pornography takes place at the age of 12.


  • In 56% of marriages, at least one party exhibits an “obsessive interest in pornographic websites.”


  • In a single month of 2023, Pornhub recorded over 2.14 billion visits, surpassing the combined traffic of Instagram, Netflix, Pinterest and TikTok.


Spotting the early signs of porn addiction

As with any addiction, spotting the early signs is key in making sure symptoms don’t increase in severity. Here are seven tell-tale signs that a porn addiction may be forming or is in the early stages of addiction.

Increased time spent online
Consider monitoring any significant shifts in online behaviour. If you or someone else starts dedicating prolonged periods to searching for explicit content, repeatedly viewing it, or constantly thinking about it, these changes might be indicative of an emerging issue. Watch for patterns of excessive internet use that revolve around explicit content consumption.
Impact on daily life
Observe whether the consumption of porn is encroaching upon daily responsibilities. Instances of neglecting work, studies, or social obligations in favour of engaging in explicit content suggest that the individual may be grappling with an escalating problem. Recognizing when recreational use transforms into a hindrance to daily life is crucial in identifying the severity of the situation.
Escalation in content consumption
Similar to the development of tolerance in substance addiction, individuals might seek increasingly explicit or extreme content to achieve the same level of satisfaction. If there’s a noticeable progression in the type or intensity of material sought, this escalation could signify a deeper issue that requires attention. Understanding the evolving nature of consumption patterns provides valuable insight into the potential severity of the problem.
Difficulty in controlling behaviour
Losing the ability to exert control over the urge to consume explicit material is a pivotal sign of addiction. If attempts to cut down or cease consumption prove challenging, the behaviour has moved beyond casual engagement. Recognising the point at which self-control becomes compromised is crucial in acknowledging the presence of a potential addiction.
Negative impact on relationships
Keep an eye on changes in interpersonal relationships that may stem from the consumption of porn. If it starts causing strain in personal or romantic relationships, whether through communication breakdowns, emotional distancing, or conflicts arising from the behaviour, it serves as a clear signal that the impact has transcended individual habits and is affecting broader aspects of life.
Emotional distress
Attend to the emotional well-being of the individual. Feelings of guilt, shame, or anxiety related to porn consumption suggest that the behaviour is taking an emotional toll. Recognizing and addressing the emotional distress associated with explicit content use is integral to understanding the deeper psychological implications and potential harm it may be causing.
Withdrawal symptoms
Consider the presence of withdrawal symptoms akin to substance addiction. If there are signs of irritability, restlessness, or difficulty concentrating when attempting to reduce or eliminate porn consumption, it underscores the addictive nature of the behaviour. Acknowledging these withdrawal symptoms is vital in comprehending the psychological dependency that may have developed.


Guidance for parents- preventative measures

It’s no secret that our little ones are finding their peace in front of screens these days – whether we’re fully on board with it or not. It’s just the way of the world. However, there’s a growing concern about the easy access our kids have to stuff online not-so-kid-friendly.
Whether your child accidentally stumbles upon explicit material or gets curious as they grow up, it’s something we must be ready for.

We’ve gathered some helpful avenues for you to explore that might make a real difference in the battle against porn exposure and addiction.


  • Start early with porn discussions in the family

By engaging in age-appropriate discussions about healthy relationships and sexuality from an early age, you open the door to a non-judgmental environment, where your child feels comfortable asking questions and seeking guidance. This demystifies and squashes any rumours they may have heard from friends or the playground. It also stops the need to access ‘naughty’ things in private, which can be a breeding ground for porn addiction.

  • Fight fire with fire with parental controls

It would be virtually impossible to attempt to rid the internet entirely of explicit materials, but there are ways you can fight this. Some tools like parental controls and porn-blocking software can help you keep an eye on things. Programmes like Canopy and OurPact can put a safety barrier around your child’s internet experiences, even when you’re too busy to monitor the situation yourself.


  • Create tech-free areas and times

Try to set certain spots in your home where screens are a no-go. It could be in the living room, or anywhere you want to focus on family time. This gives room for face-to-face chats and some good old-fashioned family fun. Additionally, consider setting a rule where tech must be turned off and put away during certain periods. The aim here is to instil from an earlier age that technology is not the only source of entertainment. Once this has been understood, perhaps your child will be less likely to turn to porn as a source of entertainment in the future!


  • Encourage offline activities

Building on our previous suggestion, let’s nudge our kids toward hands-on activities like sports, artsy activities, or even a spontaneous family outing. It’s a break from screens, a chance to showcase healthier entertainment and build precious memories together.

By implementing these strategies, you can proactively protect your child from accidental exposure to explicit content and instil healthy digital habits early on. Remember that open communication is key, and addressing these topics within the family context helps demystify the subject of sexuality, making it easier for your child to navigate the digital world responsibly.

Can UKAT help me with porn addiction?

Feel at ease with UKAT’s rehab for porn addiction. Our judgement-free space fosters calmness and welcomes personal growth. Our tailored programme, featuring therapies like DBT and mindfulness, helps you explore and heal without judgement. Recognise triggers, develop healthier coping mechanisms, and focus on recovery in a comforting setting. Your well-being is our priority— contact us to start your healing journey with us today.



(Click here to see works cited)

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